LTSP Workshop: Really Immense

LTSP Workshop: Iniciated by FOSS Nepal Community at Brihaspati Vidhyasadan. (13th-14th Dec 2008)

Today I have acquire a great chance to participate at LTSP Workshop iniciated by FOSS Community.
Keeping the main aim of building popularity of open source software in Nepal, the program is organizing.

I have felt very immense to take participation at workshop.
The senior and beginning pioneer make the workshop really fascinating.
I have learn the basic Linux Overview, Simple Linux Command to the administration of Linux (Ubuntu Ultimate).

I will also attend the tomorrow’s session, which will mainly focus on LTSP.

I’ll update about the administration, Overall Overview of Linux and about open source sofware (mainly Ubuntu Ultimate OS). It is very popular distribution of Linux.)

Keep visiting me…

Anil Dharel
Foss Community (Prime College)


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