
The Benefits of a Solid Content Management System

In the early days of the web most sites consisted of a handful of HTML pages. For smaller sites, it made sense for webmasters to use programs like Microsoft Front Page and Macromedia (now Adobe Dreamweaver) to edit their site templates, which usually contained the navigation, header and footer (the "shell" of the site), and individual pages. The problems? * Messy code These so-called What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWIG) editors didn't always get the code right. Webmasters almost always had to get into the back-end and tweak the HTML source code. This took time. * Tedious site updates Edits to a site template meant every page had to be updated and reuploaded to the web server. This took time and used resources - especially before the days of broadband. * Painstaking SEO Optimizing for search engines meant going through every page and manually making sure your H1 (header) and Title tags were well optimized. * Risk of data loss For...

Professional Quality Assurance Program: Complete Software Testing

I'm Doing the training of Quality Assurance since March 1st. I feel that, it is really great for Software Developer and Web Developer..... The course should covered the following topics. TOPICS COVERED 1. Introduction on Tester, QC and QA 2. SDLC Models * Introduction * Waterfall Model * V-Model * Spiral Model * Big Bang Model 3. Testing * Introduction * Testing Start Process * Testing Stop Process * Testing Strategy * Equivalence Partitioning * Error Guessing * Boundary Value Analysis 4. Software Testing Types * Static Testing * MDynamic Testing * Blackbox Testing * Whitebox Testing * Unit Testing * Requirements Testing * Regression Testing * Error Handling Testing * Manual support Testing * Volume Testing * Stress Testing * Performance Testing 5. Test Case * Designing Test Cases * Developing Test Cases * Writing Test Cases * Purpose * What Is a Good Test Case? 6. Te...


The day 2 program of ICT was so much interesting and informative. Specially ICT Students and Graduates may got the immense benefit. The international presenter give their very tremendous presentation. At last the discussion panel member discuss about the opportunity and challenges of current ICT in Nepal. At least I feel so much pleasure and immense from the ICT Conference... In my view ICT Conference was successful regardless of giving the ICT milestone for new Nepal.


ICT Conference 2009 was opening by Mr. Ganesh Shah, Minister of Environment, Science and Technology with his landmark opening speech and tremendous slide presentation. At that time the various ICT Professional of national & international contribute in the presentation. The Presenter Mr. Amitabh Singhal from India & Ms. Soyoung Park (E-governance Advisor International) are the key presenter from abroad. The other presenter are Mr. Manohar K. Bhattrai (Member of HLCIT), Mr. Hempal Shrestha (SAP International and FOSS Nepal Community), Mr. Shailendra Jha and Sudeep Khanal (ICT Professional), Mr. Hari Ram Koirala (Acting Secretary OPMCM, GON), Soyoung Park(E-governance Advisor International), Manish Pokharel, Jehak Lee, Jong Sou Park Korea via Video Conferencing (Tripal Redundancy System for enhancing Network System in the case of e-Government system). The Conference was immense for collaborating Challenging ICT issues of Nepal. Hope the next days conference will become more inform...


The 9th ICT Conference of CAN is going to be held from 15th to 16th January 2009. I'm going to participate on it. It is a very immense event of IT Sector of Nepal. The various national and international presenter will present their idea and experience in there. I'll update all the events news and information which I acquire there. Please keep with me...

2nd LTSP Workshop: Day 2

Dear all, Its very pleasure and immense to share you all about the LTSP workshop. The second day was very special, we have achieved the main idea of LTSP at a moment. So I cant stay to here few moment without giving lots of thanx to all FOSS Community member....for successfully completion of workshop. Especially I'm very much inspired from that kinds of workshop. I'm going to share a good news here to you all, we FOSS Community at prime college are really interesting to conduct another LTSP workshop at Prime College. Hopefully the immense harmony might make it possible. I've realized here now, we have lots of opportunities and possibilities because of open source matter so we have to grab it. The idea i have earned there is really helpful to all visitor. please keep with me I'll update it in my blog time and again. I've attached here a very important link of Linux manual and FOSS monthly magazine of Dec 2008. Linux Manual & FOSS Magazine Please subscribe the li...

LTSP Workshop: Really Immense

LTSP Workshop: Iniciated by FOSS Nepal Community at Brihaspati Vidhyasadan. (13th-14th Dec 2008) Today I have acquire a great chance to participate at LTSP Workshop iniciated by FOSS Community. Keeping the main aim of building popularity of open source software in Nepal, the program is organizing. I have felt very immense to take participation at workshop. The senior and beginning pioneer make the workshop really fascinating. I have learn the basic Linux Overview, Simple Linux Command to the administration of Linux (Ubuntu Ultimate). I will also attend the tomorrow’s session, which will mainly focus on LTSP. I’ll update about the administration, Overall Overview of Linux and about open source sofware (mainly Ubuntu Ultimate OS). It is very popular distribution of Linux.) Keep visiting me… Anil Dharel Foss Community (Prime College)